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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 14, 2013 12:35am-1:35am PST

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and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, thank you everyone. welcome. [ cheers and applause ] welcome, everyone, to "late night with jimmy fallon." thank you for being here. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, everybody. hey, it is past midnight, everybody, which means it's already valentine's day, everybody, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] happy valentine's day. and i heard the trend this year is couples saying they don't need to get each other anything for valentine's day because they love each other every day. [ laughter ] i think that's sweet, yeah. to all the guys out there who watch me, i just want to say --
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[ whispers ] -- it's a trap. [ laughter and applause ] buy something tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] did you guys catch marco rubio's response to the state of the union last night? critics are saying that rubio had a pretty tough time. at one point, he scratched an itch. then, he seemed to wipe his mouth, and he actually reached over and took a sip from a tiny bottle of water. it wasn't good. by the end, i was waiting for him to pick his wedgie and butt dial his ex. [ laughter ] it was just getting out of control. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] i didn't know what was going to happen. before the state of the union address last night, president obama did an exploding fist bump -- [ laughter ] -- with republican senator, mark kirk. they did an exploding fist bump.
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[ light laughter ] which really goes to show, you it doesn't matter if they're black or white, republican or democrat, politicians are really awkward. [ laughter ] "hey, man. oh, we're going to explode it?" [ applause ] "we're going to blow up the fist bump. cool." president obama also gave house speaker, john boehner, a thumbs up before the start of his address. or as boehner put it, "not the finger i usually get." [ laughter ] he's always crying, that guy. [ light laughter ] last night, president obama proposed a college scorecard to make the college process easier on families. not to be confused with my college scorecard, which just says, "held hands with a girl senior year." [ laughter ] score. [ applause ] you can do it at home. do it at home. ready? [ laughter ] a very interactive, 3-d episode
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of "late night with jimmy fallon." [ laughter ] get this, you guys. a college student in pennsylvania is suing her school for the c-plus she got in a class. she was like, "i'm suing whoever's responsible for this." and her professor was like, "don't you mean 'whomever?'" [ laughter ] [ applause ] tonight -- very exciting. tonight was the premiere of the 26th season of "survivor." [ cheers and applause ] that's my show. you can tell they're running out of exotic locations. this year, the contestants have to survive at a best western. [ laughter ] and i guess i just didn't understand. and finally, this weekend, beyonce will sit down for a special one-on-one interview with oprah. yep. oprah says she's coming prepared with questions for the first half and a generator for the second half. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a big, big show tonight! he is hilarious. oh, i'm so happy for him. i love this guy. he's got a hit, hit daytime show. steve harvey is here! [ cheers and applause ] he's a funny, funny gentleman. one of our favorites from nbc's "today" show -- natalie morales is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] we love natalie morales. plus, he's back -- [ laughter ] -- with more exotic animals. [ light laughter ] he's made his way back to our show. he came, and we let him in. [ light laughter ] and he got past security, and he somehow convinced people that he should be here. animal expert, jeff musial, is dropping in with his animals. [ cheers and applause ]
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and we have unbelievable music. boy, is she talented. wow, oh wow, i love her. kacey musgraves is here. [ cheers and applause ] she's going to blow your pants off. it's good. hey, you guys, as many of you know here, we do the show from the historic studio 6b here in 30 rockefeller plaza. [ cheers and applause ] you can feel how much history is in this place. i mean, over the years, the studio has been used for tons of different shows -- everything from "the texaco star theater" to the news, but we recently found out that our studio used to be home to a video dating service from the 1980s called "cupid's arrow." well, we found one of the old tapes, and since tomorrow's valentine's day, i thought it'd be fun to take a look at some of these. watch. ♪ >> jimmy: what's up?
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i'm chiz dippler, aka the dip. >> hi, i'm kelly gurbcock, and i'm looking for a girl who's as sweet as my sister is. >> steve: i'm pouch brustin. i mean, brustin pouch. >> hello, there. my name is barry sparrow, and i'm an actor. >> jimmy: hey ladies, i'm jaxx. i'm the lead singer and tambourine player for spiteful cobra. [ light laughter ] a lot of people say we sound like poison and van halen, but, if you ask me, they sound like us. >> hi, this is mark peanus, and i play the flute. [ laughter ] >> right off the bat, let's just get this clear. i don't need you. that's first of all. [ light laughter ] second of all, you owe me money. [ laughter ] >> steve: i am gayle. >> jimmy: and i am troy. >> steve: we -- >> both: -- are brothers. >> jimmy: but not from the same mother. >> steve: no, from different mothers. >> jimmy: but we do share an apartment. >> steve: and a bedroom. >> both: and a bed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you are a rascal. >> steve: oh, i am. ♪
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>> hi, i'm james spadge. i have a condition called hot mouth -- [ laughter ] -- where my mouth gets so hot, i can actually poach an egg inside it. [ laughter ] >> there are a few things that i like in a woman. she must have pendulous breasts. [ light laughter ] ones that i can use to keep the time. [ laughter ] >> steve: i'm no longer allowed in the a&p supermarkets because i spent too much time in there holding the bananas. [ laughter ] >> here's a little taste of some peanus flute. [ laughter ] do-da-da-do-do-da-da. [ laughter ] hope you enjoyed it. i know i enjoyed playing it for you. ♪ >> jimmy: myavorite place to be kissed? probably on my abs. you can kiss all seven of them. that's right, i have a seven pack. a floating -- rare, floating ab, that if you do the right workouts, you'll see the results. [ light laughter ] >> i used to have a wealthy
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japanese businessman who would pay me $40 to poach his breakfast eggs in my mouth. [ laughter ] and then would plop them right onto his plate. >> jimmy: oh, we can help you out. you recently spent some time in sydney. >> steve: i spent an entire summer in sydney. >> jimmy: how is he, by the way? >> steve: he's not well. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] ♪ >> all the titles of my plays are inspired by previous relationships. plays like "who the hell rang up all these porno charges?" and titles like "wigwam the pig face." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i also love to cook. two of my best dishes are steak-ums and kraft mac and cheese. i find it easier to remember recipes if i sing them. ♪ pour all the noodles and milk butter and cheese stir it all up kraft macaroni and cheese ♪ [ laughter ] >> steve: should i tell them i'm a virgin or keep that to myself? [ laughter ] i'm a virgin. [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i'm sure some of those guys are still available if you're interested. stick around. we'll be right back with more "late night," everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, guys. subway's having a special deal this month. it's february. and that just doesn't mean the nba all-star game. it's also the biggest foot-long event of the year. it's februany at subway. they've lots of your favorite foot-longs now $5 all month long. [ cheers and applause ] that's 12 inches of turkey or the tuna or the bmt. that's right. [ laughter ] februany, here all february long at subway. eat fresh. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] my favorite month? feb-- [ laughs ] feb-ru... feb-ru-any. [ laughs ] feb-ru-any. [ laughs ] it's february. it's feb-u-any. was that right?
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it's feb-u-any at subway. it's what?! it's feb-ur-any -- oh gosh. it's febru-- my favorite month? februany. [ male announcer ] it's februany. hard to say, easy to love. because many of our scrumptious footlongs are $5 footlongs. and we've got amazing $6 footlong specials too. subway. wait, what was it again? [ laughs ] that's what i'm here for. fund, subway. i'm gonna get you every single penny that you deserve. if there's a refund out there, i'm gonna catch it and bring it back to ya. come on in.
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legs up, legs up, legs up ! red hot deal days are back. let nothing stop you. good job ! it's red hot deal days. get the nokia lumia 822 in red for free and discover all the things to do on the go with city lens. or the droid razr m by motorola in pink for $49.99. everything droid does in an edge-to-edge display. hurry in, because the sale ends february 20th. powerful devices. powerful network. verizon. but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! thanks. i played a round of in the last five hours? then i read a book while teaching myself how to play guitar; ran ten miles while knitting myself a sweater;
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jumped out of a plane. finally, i became a ping pong master while recording my debut album. how you ask? with 5-hour energy. i get hours of energy now -- no crash later. wait to see the next five hours. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a best-selling author, comedian and host of his own radio
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show -- not to mention "family feud" and his hit nationally syndicated daytime talk show entitled "steve harvey." ladies and gentlemen, he is titled steve harvey. here he is. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> i love this band. >> jimmy: yeah. cannot beat the roots, yeah. >> oh, i love the band. i come here just for the band, jimmy. >> jimmy: you do, yeah. you don't even look at me when i interview you. >> no, i'm looking at the band. >> jimmy: yeah, at the band. yeah, exactly. >> i want my hair back. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that what it's like when steve harvey -- you used to rock that? what was your hair like? >> oh, yeah, man. when i was in high school, i had one a little bit longer than that. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> a little bit longer, big fro. >> jimmy: that's a lot of -- is
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it a lot of maintenance or is it a lot of not maintenance? [ light laughter ] >> a lot of what? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maintenance. >> a lot of maintenance or a lot of -- >> both: -- not maintenance. >> that's maintenance. >> jimmy: yeah. >> this is no maintenance. [ laughter ] it's very, very carefree living right now. >> jimmy: it is, right. >> yes. >> jimmy: you just get the gillette and just the best a man can get. >> the money i'm saving on shampoo -- [ laughter ] see, you never look at it that way. >> jimmy: no, but it looks good. you look good. did you get to see the state of the union last night? >> yeah, yeah, i saw it. i only saw the beginning. i had to catch a flight. i was coming here last night. >> jimmy: oh, well, thank you for coming. yeah, i know you're a busy man. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] what -- what's your takeaway? any takeaways? >> the only takeaway i got is the dude that sits behind the president. >> jimmy: john boehner? >> john boehner. >> jimmy: boehner. >> hey, man. will somebody tell him he's on camera? [ laughter ] somebody tell this dude, "hey man, you have got to act like
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he's your president." [ laughter ] he just be back there just -- stand up, man. >> jimmy: at one point, they're both, like, checking e-mails and tweeting each other. i was like, what is going --? >> hey, man, he's the worst, man. he's the worst. the republican party should just -- let's take him to acting school. when the president talks, just do this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's all you need to do, yeah. >> but this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's very emotional, steve. >> and he's a very tan person. >> jimmy: no, he's very tan. >> where does he get this tan at? >> jimmy: he goes -- it's jwoww and snooki. they all hooked in. [ laughter ] they all chipped in. [ scattered applause ] they all chip in together. it's a little orange. it's a little orange. >> i'm going, "damn, ain't it cold in d.c.?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, where's he getting that tan? i know. but, you actually know the president, right? you went to, like -- you went to that wild inauguration after party, secret one at the white house. >> you know, it wasn't wild.
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[ laughter ] you know, nothing is wild at the white house. a couple of dudes took their bowtie off, and i saw a lady carrying her shoes. that's about as wild -- [ laughter ] -- as it's going to get at the white house. >> jimmy: that sounds nuts! [ cheers and applause ] >> that's it, man. >> jimmy: it doesn't get crazy. >> you know, how you going to get wild? there's a dude over there with a tuxedo on with an ak-47 hanging under his jacket, and you can see it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's not really -- that's an ass pucker party. [ laughter ] you know, you dance, but it's like -- [ laughter and applause ] yeah, that's not -- that's not -- you don't have a wild party at the white house. >> jimmy: no, i'm sorry, yeah. was that your first trip to the white house? >> no, i've been there before. >> jimmy: yeah. >> all of them while this president has been president. i didn't know any other presidents. >> jimmy: no. [ light laughter ] that's good, yeah. >> bush didn't have me over. >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] that's so interesting.
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he did not. >> kanye messed that up for me. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i was damn near that. >> jimmy: it was snatched out of the mail, yeah. >> it was between me and kanye. >> jimmy: yeah, kanye, no. but when did you go up and visit? >> we went up -- i was up there. they had an outdoor event with these kids, and i was up there with charles barkley. >> jimmy: he's a good man. >> and he's from alabama, and i'm from west virginia. and we were standing there on the hill looking down over this rolling field and these beautiful trees and stuff. and, man, we said, "i bet it's pretty down there." so the first lady came up and said, "hi, guys." this is the first time meeting this first lady. you know, you don't want to call her. first madam lady first? you know, you can't -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i do the same thing. i freaked out. >> you don't really know what to do. you can't say 'chelle, though. you know that. >> jimmy: no, you can't, no. [ laughter ] >> hey, 'chelle! >> jimmy: hey, 'chelle. no, no. "hey, 'chelle" does not work. that you cannot do. >> that you can't do. so you've got to say a bunch of
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titles, you know? and me and barkley were standing there, and she was saying, "well, just go on down there and take a look." and we went, "no, no, that's okay." and she's so silly, she's -- "no, just walk down there." so i said, "are you going down?" she says, "oh, no." i said, "well, we're going to stay right here." she said, "no, just walk on down there." me and barkley look at each other. we said, "ma'am, there's a sniper -- [ laughter ] -- on the corner of each roof. we're two black dudes." >> jimmy: oh, now, now, come on now. [ laughter ] >> we ain't walking down there, nowhere near that damn gate. >> jimmy: no, no, come on. >> oh, yeah, yeah. pow, pow! [ applause ] >> jimmy: oh, no, "pow, pow." >> yeah, yeah. at the white house, at the party. >> jimmy: i don't know. >> no. >> jimmy: i don't know about that. well, i'm glad you didn't do that. now, we have you here, and i want to ask you some advice because people ask you for all sorts of advice on your show. congrats on that. "steve harvey" is a hit daytime show. [ cheers and applause ] a lot of good stuff. but it's officially valentine's day. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so are you a romantic? >> oh, yeah, yeah.
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>> jimmy: what did you do for your wife? >> well, see, my wife is in florida with my daughter for a school event. so what i did was i sent her flowers -- yes, two days ago. tuesday. huge, huge bouquet, like a table. and i sent it, and i said, "i just could not wait for thursday to say i love you." [ audience aws ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: proud of that one. >> i'm real proud of it. >> jimmy: you're proud of that one. that's a good one. >> she called me. she was emotional. she teared up. it was hot, baby, hot. >> jimmy: that was good. yeah, all right. [ laughter ] >> it was hot. >> jimmy: but now what -- what do you do for -- say you're a guy now and it's valentine's day. do you have any advice? >> yeah. guys, now, you've got to understand something. it's here now. >> jimmy: yeah. >> whatever you're getting your girlfriend, woman or wife, you must send it to her job in front of her co-workers. [ laughter ]
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that's the only way to do it. this is how you maximize your brownie points. you have got to get a full run out of these flowers. because see, flowers at the house, that's 12, 14 hours worth of, you know, brownie time. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> you know, they remember -- ah, that's nice. but if you send them to their job, in front of other women -- >> jimmy: that's the way to do it. >> -- and you make a big deal of it, like if you just have four more flowers in there than everybody else's -- like, don't get a dozen, get 16. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: only need four more flowers. that's it. >> hey, man, just up them by four flowers because women are counting flowers in the day. and then, you'll be king a lot longer. >> jimmy: see, there you go. that's some good advice, right there, from the one and only. [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, can i tell you something, man? >> jimmy: yeah. >> you've got to take these pillows out from behind. you can't have big people coming out here and sitting in these chairs. [ laughter ] my ass feels like i've been on a bleacher. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now, i feel that you too bucket seat.
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>> i've been trying to sit back on this pillow, jimmy. >> jimmy: this will look good. watch this. >> tapping at my chest, and i'm just having this gay moment. >> jimmy: yeah, but see, we take that out. [ laughter ] it looks like we're in like -- >> i might as well just have my knees touching while i'm here. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: make your arms go up like that. all right, well, get rid of it. you can move it on. we'll move it on. i understand. we'll get like a tempurpedic or something next time when you come back. you mold into the chair. yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, you come in. you go, "oh, who was sitting there?" some other famous person was sitting in the chair before you. yeah, that's not my shape. you have -- congrats on everything. last time you were here -- what was the movie now, last time? >> "act like a lady." >> jimmy: "act like a lady." number one movie. [ cheers and applause ] it was unbelievable. congrats. that was a home run. >> $93 million. >> jimmy: oh, my god.
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93. >> that wasn't all my money. i was just throwing it out there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but, i mean, that was good. but then -- >> if i got $93 million, i don't even know you anymore. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: you didn't even make eye contact with me then. >> no. >> jimmy: no, you're still looking up at the lights. >> i'm practicing how i'm going to act when i get $93 million. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> see, you got $93 million. yeah, yeah, yeah. nice guy. [ laughter ] thanks for having me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: at least -- now you do sit like that? after $93 million? >> man, jimmy. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy, they going to eat us up on that one now. >> jimmy: all right, i know. i got you. [ laughter ] we'll chop it up. we'll chop this up. you got -- you got the radio show, you got the talk show, "steve harvey," which is a smash hit. you have "family feud." [ cheers and applause ] which is the best it's been since the '90s some report. so what are your days like? is it just jam-packed with work? >> wake up at 4:15. i'm on the air at 5:00. on the radio show from 5:00 to 9:00.
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i get off at 9:00. i go to over to the gym right next door, to the studio, workout for 45 minutes, take a shower, sit down and do the production meeting for an hour and a half. get through with that, sit down. they throw some makeup on my head. i walk out, i tape the first show at 12:00, get through, have another production meeting for the second show. sit down and eat lunch for an hour, go back out on stage at 5:00. i'm done at 7:30. i go home. i'm in bed by 8:30. wake up, do it all over again. i do that from september to april. then, from april to august, i go back to atlanta to my home. i tape "family feud." i tape 185 shows in three months. and then, it's back to chicago. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's how you do it. congratulations. couldn't have happened to a nicer human being. steve harvey, everybody! >> thank you, jimmy. thank you, man. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: check him out weekdays on "steve harvey," on his morning radio show "the steve harvey show" and on "family feud." natalie morales joins us next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ]
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1:00 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you see our next guest every morning as the news anchor of nbc's "today" show and the co-host of the 9:00 a.m. hour. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the lovely, the talented, natalie morales! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: natalie, you look gorgeous. thank you for coming on our show. >> thank you. good to be here.
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>> jimmy: i appreciate this. how's the thumb? >> i am debuting just for you, jimmy, my new thumb. >> jimmy: wow. >> out of the sling, just for you. >> jimmy: what happened to it? >> i was skiing in canada and a snowboarder hit me -- left me with my thumb in the snow and a pole up there and a ski over there and took off. >> jimmy: it's all bruised and black and blue. >> yeah, well -- i had surgery. so, it's coming along. it's getting there. >> jimmy: are you a good skier? >> i'm decent. at least i was until he hit me. that guy was everywhere. >> jimmy: what color diamond was it? that's how they go, right? different colors, like black diamond -- >> this was at -- well, i'd like to say it was a black diamond but it was actually a basic blue run. >> jimmy: blue run, yeah. >> and it was in a crowded area, so -- >> jimmy: i wouldn't even make it to -- >> i was doing the right thing. >> jimmy: you were. you were just going -- and you weave in and out. >> i was just going -- weaving in and out. minding my own business. >> jimmy: and this guy's like -- [ aggressive voice ] "what's up, man? i don't care!" [ laughter ] >> "yeah, rad. rad!" >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. >> and he kept going. but, you know there was -- >> jimmy: he didn't even stop. >> no, he didn't stop. he kind of looked back and was like -- >> jimmy: he just hit you and just left the carnage behind. >> -- "oh, okay. yeah."
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>> jimmy: unbelievable. >> left me behind. but there was -- you know, some good that came out of it. a nice, handsome skier -- i don't even know who he was -- came down with his helmet and his goggles on. "can i help you?" and got my ski and, of course, at this point, i didn't even know if i had a thumb still on me. i was like, "i don't know what's wrong with my hand. what's going on here?" >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> it was like a floppy thumb. it was awful. >> jimmy: oh, awful. but you actually made the best of it at the golden globes. >> yes. isn't that good? >> jimmy: you bedazzled it up. >> i bedazzled it. >> jimmy: it matched your dress. [ cheers and applause ] >> that was the best accessory, i think. >> jimmy: look at this. i think it looks really good. >> yeah. i got a lot of compliments on it, from, you know, everyone from nicole richie -- you know, who's miss fashion star and -- >> jimmy: absolutely, yeah. >> she's like, "great job, great accessory. i should have thought of that." >> jimmy: yeah. anyone can break their thumb, yeah. and get it. >> and bradley cooper was very concerned. which, you know, then, i was like, "it's not that bad. oh, but you should see my other thumb." >> jimmy: yeah. oh, yeah, yeah. i want to ask you about state of the union, as well. it was last night. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: big news. >> big news night, last night. >> jimmy: the president -- do you think he did well? >> i think he did fine.
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i mean, obviously a big, broad agenda, and as you know, in washington, lots of gridlock, so we'll see what actually can get done. i mean, at least, you know, he actually stayed in camera frame the whole time. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: marco rubio. >> senator marco rubio had a little water problem. >> jimmy: why was that such a big story? >> i guess when you get dry mouth, you get dry mouth but it was the full-on -- you know. "oh, is this water, right here?" >> jimmy: yeah, i mean it was -- but i didn't think it was -- he had to get a sip of water. i mean, that wasn't -- to me that's not a big deal. like, if it was a capri sun package and he -- [ laughter ] like a juice box. >> it was the way. >> jimmy: if he had a juice box. >> but here's how he did it. he kind of took a look -- the double look. and then, it was like -- >> jimmy: goink. [ laughter ] you'd think it was totally off camera, no one knew what was happening. >> and he came back. >> jimmy: but it was all over the place. >> poland spring loved it, i'm sure. >> jimmy: i'm sure. why wouldn't he put it in a glass? he was just like "no, water bottle." >> you would think he would set up a little table or something nearby. but, you know, i've been there. we've all been there, when you have that dry mouth and -- it's just terrible when you're on live tv and -- what are you
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going to do? so, he did what he had to do. >> jimmy: it was a bit embarrassing, yeah. especially -- everyone is just looking to criticize, too. it's like, you make one false move -- and he was doing everything. >> and he was speaking in spanish. >> jimmy: picking his nose and scratching and wiping his mouth. [ laughter ] and it was like -- he was like -- it was like -- going like that. i mean, i was like, "oh, my god. he's doing everything --" like, oh, my gosh, "people are going to kill this guy for this." and this poor guy just drinks water and that's all over the internet. >> that's it. that's what makes the big news. >> jimmy: well, you know -- you do what's trending -- >> yes. >> jimmy: -- on the "today" show, and i always watch you. and so, you always are in the know. you know what's happening. you know what's -- >> i'm good at parties and the water cooler. >> jimmy: yeah. come on, tell me, natalie, what's up? >> what's happening. >> jimmy: so, what is -- the big thing that is going around is harlem shake. >> harlem shake. which actually -- you guys were on this way before we were. you did this last week. so, once you did it, we were like, "oh, it's definitely trending. jimmy's on it." >> jimmy: this is great that you did this because, you know, harlem shake -- have you guys seen this thing? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's a meme on the internet and it starts off with someone -- >> wearing a helmet or a mask.
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he's the straight man. just kind of -- >> jimmy: yeah. and then, no one is supposed to look at that person. and then, all of a sudden, the music -- you can hear -- like, it kicks in. [ imitates song ] and then, it goes like -- >> you guys know that, right? >> jimmy: and when it explodes, they smash cut the video to everyone in the office, dancing. >> right. >> jimmy: so, you guys did it on the "today" show. >> we did it today. yeah. >> jimmy: you did it on the "today" show. you guys have to check this out. here's the harlem shake "today" show style. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ do the harlem shake ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love it. >> that was the best, right? >> jimmy: you are the greatest. thank you for coming on.
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i want to be very gentle. natalie morales. catch her on the "today" show -- [ cheers and applause ] -- weekday mornings right here on nbc. we'll be right back with animal expert, jeff musial, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ because these days, every penny is a little more important. that's why we let you file your simple federal return for free. it's free to prepare, print, e-file and you can even chat with a tax expert. get the federal free edition at
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a good friend of the show. he's an animal expert who's been kind enough to stop by with some of his friends. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the show, jeff musial, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hope you're feeling better. >> jimmy: yeah, i feel fine. why you looking at me weird? >> roots! >> jimmy: there's the roots. >> my boys. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: nice to see you. >> nice to see you. congratulations is in order on your "blow your pants off your pants." the -- >> jimmy: "blow your pants off." yes. >> "blow your pants off," yes. >> jimmy: we won a grammy on sunday, you guys. it was very exciting. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, guys. thank you, roots. >> awesome. very cool. >> jimmy: who do you have here, jeff? >> this is a tamandua or an anteater.
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her name's slurpee. [ audience aws ] they got like a six-inch long tongue. they'll flick their tongues. and they're called the stinker of the rainforest. you may be able to actually smell her before you -- it smells like skunk and human body odor and -- [ audience groans ] >> jimmy: thank you for bringing her over. >> they will stick their tongue -- their tongue. they like crevices, so what they'll do is, they'll just kind of, like -- [ light laughter ] yeah, there it goes, see the tongue? [ screams ] [ applause ] it's -- in the hotel -- in the hotel, before we got here, it went in my ear. you could feel it, like -- go through your brain cells. >> jimmy: so, it's already been in your ear? >> yeah, it's cool, it's cool. we're, like, bromancing. it's cool, right? >> jimmy: no. >> they're one of my favorite -- >> jimmy: all right. [ laughter ] >> no, it's cool. >> jimmy: very nice. >> they eat bugs. they 'll go through about 50,000 termites in a night. look at those claws. they're built for just tearing apart anthills, termite mounds. they'll rip bark off of trees. their fur -- you can you feel her -- it's like a bristly, brush kind of thing.
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the water runs off of it rather than -- you know, getting wet, but she's beautiful. isn't she just -- >> jimmy: beautiful animal. >> -- so cute. >> jimmy: that is so cute. thank you for -- >> one of my favorite. no problem. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you, jeff. >> oh, you know what? i forgot to give -- my daughter gave me something to give you for valentine's day. >> jimmy: all right, we don't have to do it now. >> no, it's cool. look. >> jimmy: hey, thanks, buddy. what -- >> it's a sucker with a worm in it. [ laughter ] she's five. that's cool with the five-year-olds. >> jimmy: she's five-years old? she bought this? >> yeah, for you. for mr. fallon. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: thank you. you're adorable. thank you so much for my lolly. my sucker with a worm in it. >> she's like, "you always are so -- you're always so horrible to mr. fallon." and i said, "yeah." and she goes, "give this to him for valentine's day." so, that's what we did. >> jimmy: she went and bought a tequila lollipop with a worm in it. [ laughter ] >> she didn't know it was tequila. >> jimmy: yeah right, yeah right. >> she didn't know it was tequila. >> jimmy: thank you so much. >> she just saw a worm in it. i'm gonna pass this off. >> jimmy: unbelievable. >> you can follow me @jeffanimalguy, by the way, on twitter. >> jimmy: @jeffanimalguy. >> @jeffanimalguy on twitter. >> jimmy: i -- yeah.
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i have actually followed you and unfollowed you. that's how great you are. [ laughter ] oh, my gosh. >> this thing, it's like -- it's like i brought a dinosaur here. this thing is called an african ground hornbill. [ audience ohs ] what? i got it under control. i got it under control. >> jimmy: jeff, get it out! it's pooping everywhere! jeff, it's going to the bathroom. >> no. we got it! we got it under control. they got it under control. they -- it's okay. i'm a professional. >> jimmy: there's poop all over my desk. [ laughter ] >> that's what the cover is for. adds a little flavor. that's your valentine's day gift from the bird. like a chocolate surprise. >> jimmy: what -- >> i don't know what that is in there but that's nasty. sorry. this is a hornbill. brown hornbill. super awesome.
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this beak -- [ laughter ] this beak is incredible. look at the eyelashes. it's like a muppet. what? >> jimmy: i'm just -- >> does it smell bad? >> jimmy: yeah, i'm not going to smell it. >> it is really bad. nothing like bird poop. they're found in africa. this guy -- >> jimmy: do you have something you can put over it? >> what? >> jimmy: do you have something to lay over it? no, don't touch it. >> we can take it off. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: jeff, please, can we just put that over, just so i don't have to look at it? >> whoa. >> jimmy: thank you. >> she almost took your arm off. they have those long eyelashes. these guys can eat venomous snakes. they'll grab a puff adder, grab it -- boom, boom, boom. swallow it down. unbelievable. tough thing. >> jimmy: well, thank you so much for bringing it on the show. >> no problem, dude. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: very, very nice of you. >> i'm going to move on. >> jimmy: very, very good. >> i'm going to move on. >> jimmy: good job. >> as long as it didn't poop on me. that stuff's toxic, man. [ laughter ] that bird feather.
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well, you got quills in you, man. there's quills in your belly. oh, god. hang on, let go of them. let go of them. oh, gosh. >> jimmy: okay. >> it's okay. now, this thing here is one of my favorites. this is called a south american prehensile tailed porcupine. it's got that bushy nose. so cool, right? we named him quilbert. and he just is a little baby. [ audience aws ] and you can pet him. now, i won't mess with you on this. feel him, it feels so neat. but, you want to go this way with the quills, not against it, because if you go like this, you'll get the quills in your hand and they hurt. they got barbs on the end. they can cause an infection. [ laughter ] well, no. i wont -- >> jimmy: i don't have to touch it. >> i won't mess with you. just go like that. >> jimmy: i don't have to -- >> you got to -- you can feel it. >> jimmy: i understand. >> it feels so cool, though. >> jimmy: i appreciate the opportunity. >> look at that. it's really neat. when are you going to get to touch a porcupine? just go like this. do it. [ cheers and applause ]
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that is so cool. now, what happens is, the barbs that go into your skin. the barbs holds on and it pulls the quills into your finger. [ light laughter ] when the quills go into your finger, it works -- it pulls itself in -- oh, he pooped too. [ laughter ] jimmy, you should have cleaned it because now they smell like they're all -- >> jimmy: didn't you walk these things before they came out? he's very cute. [ light laughter ] he's very cute. jeff, you almost had an accident yourself, driving up here. >> yeah, we -- because i'll do whatever it takes for the jimmy fallon show, you know? so, i had an alligator. they wanted this alligator. i had another alligator. this wasn't one -- the one i didn't want to bring was big enough for my standards, so i call my buddy. my buddy, ed -- animal adventurers dude in massachusetts. and he said," come pick up an alligator." so, we drove to massachusetts. then, we drove through connecticut, through jersey and then, new york. and, on the way here, it was awesome. we were driving down the road. and, i'm just driving along the mass pike, you know? just driving along, and all of a sudden, you hear, "pop, smash," right? and my brother goes, "dude, the alligator's out." it's crawling over boxes and it's coming to the front seat, right? and i was like --
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[ laughter ] and he's like this -- "oh, my god." leaning against the window. he's like, "do something!" i'm like, "i'm not pulling over! it's a dark highway, dude. it's scary! there's truckers, it's weird!" [ light laughter ] so, we pulled over, right? >> jimmy: well, imagine looking and seeing a swerving van with a gator driving a truck, i mean -- [ laughter ] that's pretty weird, too. >> i was focused. i was focused. put it back in the box and we started driving down the road and then, about 15 minutes minutes later, you hear, boom, smash. and he busted his head through the box. and all you saw from the back of the van was this alligator head with teeth, hanging out the back window of the minivan. it was awesome. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you brought him here? >> yeah. >> jimmy: can we see it? can we meet him? >> i'll put this one away. i'll give this one to andy. [ audience aws ] she really wants to just hang out with you. you got her? oh, i know. you're such a cutie. >> jimmy: thank you. that wasn't even the animal. that was andy. >> no, check this out. you've got to hold these. look at these. i brought these. drove all the way to massachusetts for some babies. here, hold this like this. just like you hold a cup of coffee. you got it. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: cup of coffee? >> don't -- let go of my hand. you're holding my hand. >> jimmy: i'm sorry, jeff. >> i can walk you through this. >> jimmy: i don't need to hold both of them.
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>> yes, you do. [ laughter ] now they're so cool, right? [ cheers and applause ] now, make this noise. this is going to be so cool. when they're little, they call. they go -- [ squeals ] do it. just do it. >> jimmy: no. >> come on. just -- [ squeals ] >> audience member: come on, jimmy! >> jimmy: [ squeals ] [ laughter ] now, that's cool but what you really did was -- like, it was bad to do because what you did was you just upset the mother. [ light laughter ] no, you just -- [ audience ohs ] -- like really like upset the mother. and now you're holding her babies, so that's another big thing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: get these out of my hand. >> no, seriously. >> just -- she -- you don't want to -- just hold them. don't move. it's an american alligator and the cool thing about this girl here, she -- she is -- >> jimmy: stop it! [ laughter ] >> they -- >> jimmy: jeff, stop it! >> no, it's cool. they -- this is an american alligator and -- >> jimmy: no, don't let him see me with this! >> hide them, hide them. >> jimmy: hide them?
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>> put them underneath -- yeah. there you go. [ laughter ] now, just don't make any sudden movements. okay? listen to her hips. can you hear that? >> jimmy: yes. i'm going to run out of here. [ light laughter ] ah! this guy's moving. [ laughter ] >> it's alive. it happens sometimes. >> jimmy: all right. jeff. it's so great to see you. come back next time, whenever you can. jeff musial and his animal buddies. [ cheers and applause ] kacey musgraves performs next. thanks, jeff. i'm so scared right now. andy. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ gwen ] i used to sleep on the tour bus between shows. but that doesn't happen much anymore. the creative process never stops. and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest just received four nominations for the upcoming academy of country music awards. she is making her tv debut with us tonight to perform her hit single, "merry go 'round," from her album, "same trailer, different park," which will be released on march 19th. please welcome kacey musgraves! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ if you ain't got two kids by 21 you're probably gonna die alone ♪ ♪ least that's what tradition told you and it don't matter if you don't believe ♪ ♪ come sunday morning you best be there in the front row like you're supposed to ♪ ♪ same hurt in every heart same trailer, different park mama's hooked on mary kay ♪ ♪ brother's hooked on mary jane daddy's hooked on mary two doors down ♪ ♪ mary, mary quite contrary we're so bored so we get married ♪ ♪ just like dust we settle in this town on this broken merry go 'round ♪ ♪ and 'round and
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'round we go where it stops nobody knows and it ain't slowin' down ♪ ♪ this merry go 'round we think the first time's good enough ♪ ♪ so we hold on to high school love sayin' we won't end up like our parents ♪ ♪ tiny little boxes in a row ain't what you want it's what you know ♪ ♪ just happy in the shoes you're wearin' same checks we're always cashin' ♪ ♪ to buy a little more distraction 'cause mama's hooked on mary kay ♪ ♪ brother's hooked on mary jane daddy's hooked on mary two doors down ♪ ♪ mary, mary, quite contrary
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we get bored so we get married ♪ ♪ just like dust we settle in this town on this broken merry go 'round and 'round ♪ ♪ and 'round we go where it stops nobody knows and it ain't slowin' down this merry go 'round ♪ ♪ ♪ mary, mary, quite contrary we're so bored until we're buried ♪ ♪ just like dust we settle in this town on this broken merry go 'round ♪ ♪ merry go 'round
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jack and jill went up the hill ♪ ♪ jack burned out on booze and pills ♪ ♪ and mary had a little lamb but mary just don't give a damn no more ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fantastic! that was great! kacey musgraves! look for her album, "same trailer, different park." see her live thursday in washington, d.c. we'll be right back, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: my thanks to steve harvey, natalie morales, jeff musial, kacey musgraves! [ cheers and applause ] and the greatest band in late night, the roots, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for carson daly! thank you for watching! have a great night! i hope to see you tomorrow! buh-bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ >> carson: well, thank you for staying up late. i appriciate it. it's "last call" i'm carson daly. we are at red o on melrose for a great show tonight. tonight, it's all about mystery ingredients, unsuspecting chefs, swedish electronica and freaks. here's what we have coming your way. in the music slot, it's niki and the dove from the el rey. our "spotlight" tonight, w


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